Mumbai Gullies,” an exciting open-world action-adventure game crafted by the talented Indian developers at GameEon Studios. Unveiled at the India Game Developer Conference (IGDC) in 2020, this eagerly anticipated game is set to make its mark on the gaming world, exclusively available on Microsoft Windows through the Steam and Epic Games Store platforms. Mumbai Gullies System Requirements under..

Mumbai Gullies minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit) or macOS equivalent
Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 660 or AMD Radeon 7870
Hard Disk : 10 GB of free space
DirectX: Version 11
Internet Connection: Broadband for online features

Recommended system requirements are upcoming

Can I run Mumbai Gullies?

To enjoy the vibrant world of Mumbai Gullies, your PC must meet certain minimum specifications. Firstly, you’ll need an Intel Pentium 4 2.00GHz CPU to ensure smooth gameplay. Additionally, make sure your computer is equipped with at least 4 GB of RAM to handle the game’s demands efficiently. For optimal graphics performance, consider having an ATI FireGL T2-128 graphics card installed. Fear not, as Mumbai Gullies is compatible with PC systems running Windows 10 and newer versions.

If you’re seeking to enhance your gaming experience, why not consider an upgrade? Our user-friendly Mumbai Gullies setup guides are at your disposal, helping you find the most suitable and budget-friendly graphics cards. Take advantage of our graphics card comparison and CPU comparison filters to discover the perfect gear that matches your needs, all while securing the best deals available. Get ready to immerse yourself in the excitement of Mumbai Gullies with upgraded hardware that will enhance your gaming pleasure.

Mumbai Gullies Release Date And Platform

Developer: GameEon Studios
Publisher: GameEon Studios
Producer: Nikhil Malankar
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Platform: Microsoft Windows
Release: 2023
Genre: Action-adventure
Mode: Single-player